

  • 等级:5A
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  • 景点印象

  • mjmarlin
    Located due north of Petite St. Vincent resort there is a small spit of sand surrounded by 90 shades of blue with a single cabana - perfect for a romantic getaway. The resort provides day trips for couples to this little but of paradise. If you on on a CaribeSail charter you can also enjoy. The snorkeling was amazing - just for an afternoon!
  • chrisbaz
    Not many places you can you find a desert island like this. Nothing there except a straw umbrella. Island is about 60 foot long by 20 wide
  • sailcork
    Worth the effort in calmer conditions. Plan your approach carefully through the reef. Careful anchoring and then go ashore in a dinghy. You get that desert island feeling!
  • intervale
    Actually located a couple of miles off Petit St Vincent it is pretty to look at but could never be the object of a specific visit from St Vincent itself some 30 miles north. A word of caution if sailing in the vicinity it changes shape and size constantly , sometimes disappearing completely and should be given substantial sea room.
  • 57Charles
    What a beautiful little gem. We were sailing in the area and had to go see it. You need to dinghy in and should have someone in the bow to direct you away from the coral heads, but it was so worth the short trip from the sailboat. I felt like I was in a Gilligan's Island episode. One of my most memorable experiences.
  • bigsands
    Mopion is probably the most romantic place in the Caribbean to propose to your favourite person. It is a special place where you arrive by boat and if you are lucky, there won't be anyone else on the island for a few hours. You can jog around it in less than 30 seconds and each direction that you look there is another Island to see and take a photograph. This is what makes the Grenadines so special. Mopion is closest to PSV (Petite Saint Vincent) which is about 5 minutes away on a small speed boat and about 20 minutes away from Union Island. Some care needs to be taken in getting there as it is surrounded by reefs and therefore best to hire someone who frequently visits Mopion. You will also need to choose a good day as it disappears when the weather is bad. I used a speed boat from Clifton called Bitters and carried my own life jacket as not all the speed boats have them. This should be a mandatory requirement nowadays. Surprisingly, cycling with a helmet, is now a requirement on Union Island. If you are visiting The Grenadines or Carriacou, it is worth arranging a trip to Mopion for an hour or more. It really is very tiny and can be very hot as there is just the one shaded area. Not much to see if you are snorkeling and the north side is mostly coral, but there was a guy who was kite surfing from Mopion and headed south towards Petite Martinique, which is also worth a visit. Overall, it is a good adventure so remember to bring a camera and some water to drink. After Mopion, I then went over to PSV and enjoyed some snorkelling in the clear waters, then returned to Union Island.
  • Lilliebet218
    The sand is beautiful, lovely little island, with a shelter, very romantic setting, the different colours of the sea are amazing, a must to visit.
  • susanvalentine
    Deserted beach in a deep blue sea. Go early before everyone else finds this piece pf paradise. Spend time snorkeling the reefs that surround or just lay on the beach and listen to the waves.
  • MF167
    This island is perfect. Nothing there but sand, a coral reef and an umbrella. No drinks, no facilities nothing except sand, sea and one palm leaved umbrella.
  • HF99
    White sand, Beautiful waters. It is very shallow and lots of fun to frolic.
  • dizzy_minx
    We sailed here from our resort Palm Island for the sunset. It is just a sand bank with a parasol and mostly it is just you on the island! The sunset can be seen beautifully from the island so it is perfect for a romantic trip!
  • Dean-USA
    Visited 4 times while at PSV.....a must see as the water is crystal clear....
  • UptownPhoenix_AZ
    This is a sandbar with awesome views and not to be missed.
  • CalgaryAlphan
    Oh, how I loved Mopion! A heavenly slice of Caribbean beach, ringed by reef. Beautiful waters, nice snorkeling, and a complete feeling of getting away from it all... this is paradise! We had the island virtually to ourselves. I wish we could have stayed longer!
  • WindsNWaters
    The only way to get to Mopion is to go with a dinghy or similar. Just of Petit-St-Vincent, on a calm day, you can swim and eplore surrounding mopion on the leeward side for hours. Be careful of the reefs, and wear plenty of Sunblock, as there is no real shelter from the sun. My husband and I have sailed here a few times, and dinghied over ot Mopion a few times, and it's paradise. male sure your dinghy has an anchor, otherwise you will have to tie the dinghy to the rather dodgy looking "seen better days" umbrella!!
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