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annsleigh gardens and cafe

annsleigh gardens and cafe

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Annsleigh Gardens and Café is 10 minutes from Burnie on Tasmania's...


  • Seld2014
    The food, service and price of meals and drinks are all excellent.The people are lovely - they really look after you.The gardens are well worth a visit - I've been four times and still find something new to look at. You can stroll through for free if you have a meal there. Otherwise it's $6.00.There's always a newspaper to read if you like, and pamphlets to flick through. There are umbrella's to use if its raining, and there's a lolly jar near the visitors book. I usually feel a little guilty for taking two on the way out!A truly unique and wonderful place.
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