当前位置: 首页 >目的地 >欧洲 >奥地利 >mixnitz >baerenschuetzklamm


  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 347GeorgeB
    They say it is an easy excursion. Yes, but only for those that climb up the Mont Everest twice a week :-) If you are an office worker with limited fitness, be prepared for a hard work.It is a beautiful area. Walking up to the entrance of the canyon from the parking place takes about an hour. Walking up to the top is about 90 minutes and 3000 stairs.Walking back to the parking place is an another 90 minutes.One can reward him- or herself in a "Hütte" on the peek with beer, Almdudler, Coke, sandwiches etc.The landscape is really breath-taking.
  • Herbert239
    Ideal für die die was besonderes suchen, man fühlt sich mitten im Fluß, es ist berauschend, intensiv und spannen
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