altes rathaus

altes rathaus

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • zuv
    A massive building situated in the old town,in Marktplatz.Not the most impressive city hall I've ever seen(if you've seen the Antwerp or Brussells city hall,for example,you know what I mean).Very nice rehabilitated,with golden adornments on its facade.Not far from here is the Beethoven's house.
  • claudiad234
    Really beautiful, first I saw it I was like wow! Toke lots of photos perfect to visit on Christmas time
  • Yuvee
    Situated in the center of Bonn's old town, the Marktplatz leads to a beautiful town hall (Rathaus) of Bonn. I would pay a visit.
  • Mzteeree
    We were lucky enough to be invited to a party here at the town hall during Karneval time. The mayor and his wife were so welcoming and hospitable as we're all the lovely people we met in Bonn. A real credit to the city. We had an unforgettable time.
  • auhamada
    The city hall is in the main square and when we visited there was a market in the square plus several restaurants and pubs around. We grabbed a coffee on one of the pub and tried some of their specialty dessert. It is worth visiting..
  • birkecarib
    In bad or good weather , during the day , here are all to be found !bon appétit :) when markets are reluctant , the market is seamlessly clean !
  • whosemother
    I have to admit that I really like European town squares and the older buildings that tend to surround them. The Marktplatz in Bonn is a really nice example of a square and its surroundings buildings just make me want to stop, sit in the middle of the square and consider each building in turn.The Altes Rathaus itself is amazing, with stunning wrought iron work. The building is clean and well kept, unlike some others we saw in nearby Cologne. That means this light coloured building with gold highlighting almost shimmers at the top of the Marktplatz.Take your camera and if you can afford it, take tea in one of the teashops nearby.
  • amyambao
    in the heart of the city. There are restaurants and pubs around where you can relax and enjoy the Old City Hall.
  • dimil2014
    The facade of the building is beautiful. The square in front of it is a nice place to walk, to make some foods, or even stay to eat something.
  • 539svetlanam
    We were only one day in Bonn during seminar. I was pleasantly shocked how cute and magic is this facade. We were not inside course of time limit, but the square near is really very historic also.
  • denniss740
    We visited Bonn from Dusseldorf and spent few hours to visit these places. It was a bank holiday for the Germany and everything was so quiet. However, it was a lovely walk and a nice place to relax for a bit.
  • mtc
    In the marketplace directly in front of Bonn's Altes Rathaus sits a memorial to books burned by Bonn university students during the Nazi period and to the books' persecuted authors. The memorial is called "Lesezeichnen" or "Bookmarks." All in all, there are 60 copper plaques/stones inlaid into the cobblestones in concentric circles. These plaques are often overlooked amidst the cafes, farmers' market, and general hubbub going on in Am Markt. However, they are well worth a few minutes of contemplation!
  • Johnnymoondog
    The Altes Rathaus and Marketplace should not be missed during any visit to Bonn. The area really is the center of activity when the market is up and running. It's a great place to stop for lunch. The Altes Rathaus has been refurbished and stands as the centerpiece of the area. While beautiful in its own right, some knowledge of history make the visitor appreciate the buildings significance even more. It was from the steps of the Altes Rathaus that US President John F Kennedy spoke to thousands of Bonners gathered in the marketplace to welcome him to West Germany's Capitol city. Google can link you to photos from that visit to provide perspective on how the area looked more than fifty years ago.
  • 160damianc
    I have visited the Alte Rathaus in Bonn several times before, but I heard that they changed the façade and unfortunately to all the scepticism I must as well submit as it has now become a little duller in the colour display. Also the sigil that it bears on the top is not very well painted and therefore the impression of the otherwise beautiful house is lowered.
  • muyactivo
    cuando lleguemos era domingo de carnaval y se celebraba el carnaval en esta plaza donde se encuentra el altes rathaus es un edificio muy bonito y ese dia estaba decorado y era precioso, lastima porque no se podía subir las escaleras por la cantidad de gente que habíarecomendable si vais a Bonn
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