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world war one soldier sculpture

world war one soldier sculpture

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • KismetSierra
    If you are in the County Durham area you should visit Tommy the World War One Soldier Sculpture.It has been beautifully made and is located on the cenotaph overlooking the beach so do bring your camera!
  • Tileman_13
    Well done people of Seaham,I read that you had fund raising raffles etc to keep billy in seaham,what a great community spirit and the sculpture is well worth the visit
  • johncZ6469IX
    What great Sculpture Seaham must be very proud and where it is placed on the main road everyone can see it
  • DaisyDaisyDD
    Local artist sculptured and the solider was placed in the spot until a buyer was found, except the locals fell in love with it. Luckily they fought tooth and nail to keep. The sculpture itself is quite moving up close and is a reminder of the sacrifice made by our brave ancestors. Lest we forget.
  • IanH226
    Worth a long trip to see this…………..( Why a min. 100 characters when 35 was enough!!!!! So what else, nothing that is 100!!!!
  • pauline12015
    Spectacular piece of work , well positioned.Emotive of the futility of war. Well worth a visit. More than 50 characters.
  • tara42ne
    I cant go to Seaham without saying hello to Tommy He is a loved piece of culture, loved by not just people from Seaham but also from further afield A masterpiece
  • TheTraveller044
    This is by far the best statue I have seen and I am proud like most people who live here are that we have this iconic statue here to stay. The only thing I think that needs to be improved is the grass around it that has died because of how many people stand around it. Maybe it should be paved slightly. If your near by then visit this...
  • steve445
    worth a visit. Although "faceless" the expression says it all. A very moving sculpture for a very moving time in our history. The artist responsible is a genius having made with by metal fabrication
  • R6443NJpeterr
    this monument is beautiful. breathtaking, and a pleasure to behold, Ive seen some of this artists other work and the guy should be knighted.
  • NufcStu
    Called into Seaham just to see the fantastic sculpture in respect of the end of the War, Great day out, quality fish and chips too and then ice cream for afters.
  • anneloo
    Tommy is a credit to Seaham. The talent of the artist who made him is incredible. Everyone should see Tommy at least once. He totally epitomises everything about that era
  • Q6572FTsarahs
    Went to see the world war sculpture it is well worth a visit . It is situated next to the war memorial in seaham perfect place for people to pay there respects .
  • ah66
    Nice to see and attracts visitors to seaham. it is on the sea front, you can grab a nice lunch or ice cream just over the road
  • sallyd727
    I first saw this statue back in December. The work that has gone into him is just amazing. I brought my husband today to see him and just to stand and look at the statue with the same amazement as myself.It's a great reminder of the pain and suffering these soldiers went through for the freedom we have today.
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