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bella piazza winery

bella piazza winery

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • Sourdoe2u
    The cars in the parking lot were our first clue. So many had already arrived at Bella Piazza before us we had to discover it for ourselves. The grounds are beautiful with roses blooming, manicured lawn and fountains dancing in front of us, all of this lured us in. The patio was lively with picnickers as we found our way into the large tasting room. Initially, it felt like we stepped into a high end furniture and design center. Behind the artful displays in the large space was a room long counter. There we spent the next hour enjoying two different flights of reds and one white. New wine blends and varietals intrigued our taste buds, including a white Barbera we had to bring home. The wines matched the surroundings creating a dreamy afternoon. Bella Piazza we will be back!!
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