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washington state university

washington state university

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • Gleaves
    My first visit to Pullman, Washington...good restaurants ... recommend busy Old European Restaurant (also in Post Falls, Idaho); stayed at the Pullman Hilton...comfortable, quiet, awesome views....large University campus. Great programs.
  • 678rhondas
    Campus was nice - it was bigger than I had imagined. My daughter and I had a campus tour and she is thinking about attending in 2016.
  • InezA706
    We have taken our dog many times because she has cancer. The staff is very friendly and helpful. They have gone out of their way to make us feel we are getting good treatment. Parking can be difficult on some days. The key is to get there before 10 am or between 12:15 and 12:45.
  • Papinooo
    We came here for a baseball tournament in the summer. Of course there weren't too many students around but the campus was absolutely gorgeous! We loved walking the campus. Don't miss stopping in at the Coug for a cold beer!
  • pamlaz
    Quintessential red-brick university with beautiful treed streets, excellent access by car. Toured the dorms, visited a sorority house, and enjoyed learning about 'Greek life'.
  • QQ1234
    WSU is a large, well known university -- located out in the sticks! Nice campus. Pretty hilly. Parking can be a problem.
  • Ken_A6745
    This is a great college town. WSU is a world class educational institution, that just happens to be located in an amazingly beautiful part of America.
  • mg362
    I was accepted to several high level universities and chose to attend Washington State University for several reasons.......the quality of education, the friendliness of fellow students & locals, the amazingly beautiful campus & clean buildings, the safe environment, the beauty of the countryside & things to see within a 2 hour radius, and the administration treats students as people, not as a number. As a bonus, fellow Coug Alumni are the most friendly no matter where you travel......GO COUGS is something you will continue to hear for years to come.I also had the privilege of participating in the Greek System as well as Varsity Athletics.......one of the things I miss most is walking around campus and attending the home Football games......GO COUGS!!!!!!
  • 638pamh
    This took me by surprise as I had been there 30 years ago in the dead of winter and could not figure out why any student would ever want to go to WSU. But if you can handle bitter cold and driving wind in the winter, the campus is really nice. The sports facilities are top notch. The town is totally built around the campus, so don't look for much going on in the summer.
  • 6AlanN
    It is a blend of old and new. They have kept the ambiance of the older campus and blended it with the new.
  • JohnFabian
    Washington State University is first class. A real college in a real college town with a broad choice of studies. A great engineering and architecture program, vet school, and a national leader in agricultural studies; but also well known for communications, hospitality, and business studies. On top off all of this is Cougar Pride and a school spirit that screams and echos throughout the Palouse Hills.
  • I82X73
    A nice place to visit. The campus is beautiful and you will get your workout climbing hills! It's nice to see newer buildings built to blend with the older architecture.
  • SunnyJim43
    an inviting campus and very nice people. Interesting to note that one sees - smokers at U of I just down the road. WSU has as many majors as one could want! For me, accessibility of the people in the administration is a big draw. Check out the Honors College! Well Worthwhile
  • kylechad
    This is such a beautiful campus!! Lots of trees and you can walk anywhere with all the sidewalks, trails, bridges, etc. Lots to see and do!! Rec center is great and up to date!!
  • BeeJaySeattle
    I am an alum and loved the campus when I was there and today I admire and amazed by the continued growth of this great University. A visit to Ferdinand's for ice cream or their world famous Cougar cheese is a must. The campus is situated as the core of Pullman and plays a big part in the community. I love returning here again and again.
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