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faulk county couthouse

faulk county couthouse

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • BarbaraSMsd
    No ElevatorIn the 3rd floor court room are murals painted by a local artist from the 1890's. The artist is Charles Greener, who was quite prolific and sold many paintings. They also hang in the South Dakota museum of art in Brookings,SD. They were uncovered when the court room dropped ceiling was removed. They have been restored. You can sit in the hundred year old pews from a church built in the 1870's. The Court house is over a hundred years old. It has some beautiful woodwork. The three floors of wood stairway are very nice.Also in the first floor meeting room are pencil and chalk drawings of all the South Dakota First Ladies up to 1989. These were done by another local artist,Carrie Hogg
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