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indianapolis motor speedway and hall of fame museum

indianapolis motor speedway and hall of fame museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    The Indy Speedway, dating back to 1909, is one of the most famous car...


  • lpgman
    Indy 500 History at it's finest, cars from the early days and up to recent styles. There are also the special experimental cars like the turbine engine driven car that owned the race it was in until an inexpensive part broke and it had to leave the race. There are displays of how the clothes and gear have changed over the years, hard to believe what they used to race in compared to the super safe equipment they use today. So much to see and enjoy if you are into racing this is the place to see.
  • 485katiek
    (Disclaimer: This is a review for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in General as well as the new Glamping option as of 2014.)Every year, as May creeps closer, my lawyer of a husband increasingly acts like a five year old, as the days get closer to opening day at the track. While he is not the biggest race fan, not by a long shot (thank the Lord), he holds IMS and the Indy 500 in the highest esteem. So much so, that we have missed weddings, graduations, family get-togethers, in order to be at the track on race day.In all honesty; as someone who doesn't really have any affinity for racing, this experience is something that should be on every person's bucket list. The Indy 500 is the largest spectacle in racing and has the largest crowd attending. Inside the two mile track you could fit the Roman Colliseum, the Rose Bowl Stadium, Yankee Stadium, Wimbledon Campus, Vatican City, and the Kentucky Derby, all while still having space for more. Just let that sink in for a moment.Race day brings hundreds of thousands of people in from all over, from priveledged college kids, to families, to die hard race fans; rich, poor; old young, you name it and they're there. It is truly a spectacle.IN REGARDS TO GLAMPING:If you've never been to the Indy 500, you should know that many people camp out the week/days before the race is what is affectionately known as the "Coke Lot." Here debauchery insues, port-a-pots are limited, couches are burned, anything goes. I have spent my time in the Coke lot and partied with the best of them, all while waking up at 4 am (or not sleeping at all) and getting in line to get into the track. While I have very fond memories doing this, recently IMS has offered something far superior.GLAMPING.THE PERKS:YOU CAMP INSIDE THE TRACK; yes in the infield. AND you don't have to set your tent up because it already is set up, there are cots or beds to sleep on, grills to use, clean bathrooms and showers, plug in stations, as well a a rope off section so that people who haven't paid for the glamping are not allowed in. With your purchase of a tent comes tickets for the week, infield tickets for race day as well as admission to the concerts on carb day and Saturday. It is a weekend filled with fas cars, friends, lawn games, camping, and quite a few cheeky beverages. Last, but certainly not least, on race day there is no mass entrance into the track, no getting up at 4am to pile into a car and wait in line for two hours. You are already at the race, and all you have to do is walk to the hill. That in itself pays for the tickets... and the bathrooms... the bathrooms are a major plus!If you are planning on camping at the Indy 500, look absolutely no further than Glamping in the infield.
  • GaryA368
    One of the great things about this museum is that they have so many open wheel race cars they rotate what is on display.
  • sgalat
    The history here is amazing. If you like to look at race cars and see how they have evolved over the years this is interesting. Got to see how the rear view mirror came to be and how speeds increased over time. What I was really surprised at was the lack of coverage about the famous drivers. The Unsers, AJ, Sneva. Nothing about the drives with the most wins or even last years race and it's champion. They have a theater where they show a old video about the track. The ceiling tiles are falling in, there is dust on the tiles and it feels like they just don't care about anything but the cars. This really is a car museum with focus on race cars, although there are other vehicles to look at. Unfortunately there was no tour of the track which would of least given a better feel for it's size and history. I really think this is almost a must do when touring Indy as it's got that kind of history, but I think the Hullman family has just fallen asleep at the wheel, and not remembering that tourists don't work at this track daily or work in the industry and so we seek to enjoy the experience that we see on TV once a year. I can't say I'd pass this up, which is why I went, but walking out I sure felt like a driver who just got a flat tire.
  • bbvd1976
    We were in town for the NHRA US Nationals and we had some extra time so we decided to do the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and Hall of Fame Museum including the tour of the track.I have never seen an entire Indy race so I figured it would just be something to do to kill some time. I was so pleasantly surprised. I loved it!When you get there, you board a small bus that takes you around the actual track with many stops. The groups are small, probably about 20 people. The driver gives so much history and points out everything we are driving by and its purpose. It's very informative. He answered all of the questions that were thrown at him along the way.While on the tour, you get the opportunity to get out of the bus and do some great things. You can 'kiss the bricks' and the driver will even take your picture for you so remember to bring your camera!You will also be brought to the media room, the winners circle, and the pit area, all while getting the rich history behind each stop. You will also stop at the press conference room where you can get your picture taken behind the press conference desk. Each person is given the opportunity.Once you are done with the track tour, you can walk through the museum that is packed full of real Indy cars and information about them, including the very first winning Indy car. I, being not really into cars, was fascinated by all of the trivial information in the museum and my friend, who is really into cars, loved to look at the specs and engines of the cars. It's great for the whole family!
  • BulldogBlake
    The track is massive. Highly recommend seeing a race here, I've been to about of the NASCAR races there and practice and minor races in other series. The NASCAR race can be a bit dull, but I really like NASCAR. I would recommend to see the 500 out of all options. Also make a short drive east on 16th street to pick up donuts
  • mukkadvisor
    If you have a need for speed, this is the place. MotoGP, Indy500... it's a great experience. Tickets are affordable, and quite cheap if you don't mind the infield. Great view of the track from the seats and a lot of fun every time with vendors and extra activities. Great place, even with kids! Bring earplugs!I yet have to visit the Hall of Fame, though.
  • monad631
    Beautiful place. Clean. Plenty of restrooms. Don't recommend taking children under 12 unless really interested in racing. Lots of walking and long day. If doing VIP, bus,shuttle or helicopter In expect waits. Some folks do tail gating after the game. Be sure to know all security requirements before going. 500 is an awesome spectacle. Museum/shops full of history and great souveniers.
  • lorib515
    Touring the Indianapolis Speedway is well worth your time and money. You even get a chance to kiss the bricks! It's a fun day for all ages.
  • VandyGuy
    Every so often, there comes a time when the Speedway track offers up a special experience. Of course the track is the most awesome place to be during the month of May, no question. And over the years, I've run around the track as part of the mini marathon, even finished at the brickyard in the early years of the mini, watched the "race to replace Lance Armstrong", rode my own bike around the track as a fundraiser as a kid, had a college fraternity 50 lap race with 4 Indy cars back in 79, even snuck my new Chevy truck out after Carb day ended mistakened for yellow shirt official. But on a cold January night recently, I was one of about 100 that joined about 8 Indy drivers as part of the Indy Car Ministry fundraiser. Our favorite way to start Race Day is to attend the drivers chapel service in the Media center. Its open to the public, and you never know what team(s) will show up for this special 30 minute worship service. Well, on January 27, 2015, a handful of drivers came to meet and greet the ICM supporters. A night I will never forget. Now at 55 years old, my days at the track are too many to count, but my 15 year old son has started his own memory box, and this night added to those special memories!
  • jkilgo_3
    A wonderful display of race cars from the early days of racing to more modern times. Very educational about the history of the race track and all the winners of each 500. This is a must see if you are in Indianapolis don't miss out on visiting this museum.
  • IndianaBarbie
    Carb Day is thee ultimate BEST and free band line up! So so so much history here! The grounds are very well maintained and friendly staff! LOTS of things to see and enjoy! The track will awe you if you've never saw before! The summer months have a lot of great events for friends and family!
  • bkamplain
    The IMS is a center piece attraction in Indy in the month of May or whenever it has a race be it motocycles, F-1, NASCA. I have been going to the IMS since 1958. While the excitement of racing continues, the cost of attendance continues to grow. The turn 1 snake pit is a memory of the past. It is more upscale today than ever before. Only the extremely well financed can afford to put a car into the field. The days of the racer/mechanic are gone as well. But hey, if you want to see the finest motor racing in the world you have to come to Indy. Open wheel, NASCAR, motorcycles - Indy has them all!
  • AnnK309
    If you have an interest in open wheel racing you will love this museum! From the early years, the vintage cars, the memorabilia, it is a history lesson that is exciting!! And then to the present, the drivers, their cars and their stats!! You are shrouded in Indy 500 race memorabilia!! A must see if you are in Indy.
  • RichardW488
    While in Indianapolis we decided to stop by the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. While not big racing fans we found the speedway to be both fun and exciting. On this particular Saturday there were two cars on the speedway. Just seeing the speed with which they manuervered the turns was thrilling. Afterwards we met one of the drivers and got to see the car up close.
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