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really cooking with robin

really cooking with robin

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Really Cooking with Robin is like no other cooking school. It is fun, no...


  • atp2007
    What I worried may have been just a standard cooking lesson turned out to be a great night of learning, eating and socializing. Run by Robin and her husband the converted storefront welcomes you from the minute you walk in. After getting acquainted everyone gets a position around a square working area with penty of room and supplies to make your cheese. Robin is very organized so the process runs smoothly and is great fun. In between making your first ball of Mozzarella there is time to eat your personally made Mozz salad and the baked pizza your prepare for yourself. Then back to the workstation for the second half of the lesson. Because they are so organized there is a lot of time to enjoy the process and chat with the owners and attendees. Ended the night with Robin's brownies and coffee. Even though many of us drove a distance for the class, there was no rush to leave and we sat and chatted for at least another 30 minutes. Robin does various cooking classes for both adults and kids, she is such an enjoyable teacher I'm sure both audiences would enjoy the time there.
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