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sharon dog park

sharon dog park

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • hbednarsh
    I like the two parks so you can choose if you have a wee one to avoid other larger dogs, it's clean and close
  • DissociatedMaven
    The Sharon dog park is across the street from the baseball fields and accessible via a path that runs between the town skateboard park and an abandoned building. The park is fenced-in and dogs are often off-leash even outside the fenced in areas. During winter, the trail is extremely slippery and due to shade, the snow takes a while to melt. In spring it thaws and becomes a muddy mess. In summer, the stagnant pond next to the park is a mosquito breeding ground. Fall is by far the best time to come. The dogs are usually all nice, although I've seen owners squabble once or twice. There are a few Husky breeders who frequent the park with more dogs than they can realistically handle, but its nearly always a pleasurable experience. Although the park is set back in the woods, it's in a clearing- so plenty of sun. There are a few handicapped spots more accessible via another road, but I couldn't tell you the name of the street. Tons of fun- especially after fresh snowfall. Stop by and say hi!
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