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gomatimata beach

gomatimata beach

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Mananjay
    This is a local man's beach. just besides the gomti port where you can see the loading and unloading of fishing trawllers. Its not so clean but its good for a walk as not many people can be seen here.
  • Kayyumrana
    Daman is also connected with the same The entire coast of Diu may be considered as a beach because of it's natural beauty and beachlike shore line. Nagua, Ghoghla, Jallandar, Gomatimata ...
  • amitchawla82
    People (both male and female) stare at you as if u are an alien strolling into their homes. Only thing for them seems to be money. Badly kept place. We left in 5 minutes straight.
  • AmitR451
    This beach is a little distance from the touristy beaches of Diu. Access is through a fishing village and there are warnings about dogs but we found none. the beach is excellent for a long walk without being disturbed by hawkers and is relatively clean. Did not find any debris as the other reviewer did. But yes.. this beach has tremendous potential for development. Cant complain though...good for people who seek off beat.However wouldn't advice a visit after dark as its pretty isolated.
  • DeepMp
    This beach has the potential of being the best beach around Diu- however, the villagers living around it have converted it into an open air defecation zone- we were horrified when we found piles of excreta every 5 m distance. It was disgusting! Whatever happened to "samagra swatchta"? I hope the district administration does something!
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