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elora gorge falls

elora gorge falls

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Happike
    Do not stop at the Gorge. If you are already there, walk along the river on a beautiful, winding trail. Some times it's in the forest, but you will have many opportunities to look down at the fast running river. One time we even went down to the river edge where a blue heron was fishing about 20 feet away from us. We watched in awe as the brave and well prepared young people passed by in their tubes. There are cliffs on both sides of the river which makes it beautiful and picturesque.Oh, the real brave ones can `fly` over to the opposite side on the zip line.Look for the ruins of an old factory. Your photos will turn out amazing!
  • ManopelloVolto2013
    Good for summer with cooler breeze while walking around the area. Lots of trees and close to restaurants and stores. Friendly and quiet place.
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