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vignoble du mitan

vignoble du mitan

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Shadmonster
    Perhaps it was because it was the end of the day, but the young man had no interest in talking to us about the different wines and the wine making process. He was much more interested in the young woman from australia. It is a shame because we probably would have purchased something. I found a couple of wines intriguing, but remember to set your expectations low. This is not Bordeaux or Napa Valley.
  • Happyrocker
    We found Vignoble du Mitan to be somewhat average. The wines were OK, better than some others on the island, and the staff was engaging (unlike a previous reviewer's experience). We do note too the use of small, plastic cups. Seems an effort to avoid washing lots of glasses, but gives something of a "cheap" ambiance. Still, several of the wines were worth purchasing, and the staff was helpful. If we are back to the island we would consider another visit, but not with great excitement.
  • highbrae
    To begin my pet peeve regarding a number of the wineries and cideries on Ile d'Orleans, they serve their wines in these tiny plastic cups that remind me of medicine cups, if they don't think their wines deserve any better why should I? There also seems to be an objective of selling the tastings instead of allowing me to sample their wines and selling me product. I know this is becoming a bigger trend among wineries of just focusing on selling tastings, it seems to be sad development in the industry. I know I may be the exception however, when a winery shows pride in their product I am much more likely to leave with case quantities instead of just a couple of bottles.I arrived in this store and waited as more aggressive customers pushed forward and were served while one of the clerks behind the counter clearly knew we had been there first, when we finally got served, the clerk couldn't help us in English and we had to wait for the other young lady. When we finally got someone to help us she knew little about their products, the grapes they used or the process used. In short their only interest seemed to be in selling product and had little interest in their product. If they don't care why should I?
  • 359elised
    Nous avions découvert ce petit vignoble il y a déjà quelques années et nous étions tombé sous le charme des produits et de l'intérêt du propriétaire qui nous avait décrit ses produits avec beaucoup de détails. Visiblement, ce dernier est un passionné qui aime ce qu'il fait. Près de quatre années plus tard, nous avons retrouvé la même ambiance, la même passion. De plus, nous avons eu l'agréable surprise de constater que les prix étaient toujours abordables. Si certains reprochent les petits verres de plastiques, pour ma part, je comprends parfaitement que ces producteurs n'aient pas les moyens de fournir de grandes dégustations. La qualité de leurs produits n'en est pas moins intéressantes. Nos coups de coeurs : Le Mi-temps, Légende d'automne rouge, L'insulaire et le vin de glace.
    L'accueil très courtois et le plaisir de connaître la production. On nous explique la composition des vins et accords. ON peut s'en procuré aux Marché des Saveurs (marché Jean-Talon) Montréal
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