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st. matthaus

st. matthaus

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Ian2109
    The previous reviewer has given all the detailed information required.Suffice it to add that this church is unusually compact, almost as wide as it is long. The (modern) stained-glass windows are delightful. On a warm June morning this church was a quiet haven of peace in a town - Meisenheim - which is itself quiet and peaceful. Whether or not you are religious this is balm for the soul.
  • folieske4
    This is one of those churches where one needs to take time to absorb its "aura". It is a large church which has a solemn aura. There is a lot to check out: many epitaphs, a beautiful altar, the finely decorated ceiling... After the transfer of rights on the shared Matthias Church in 1896 the Catholic parish built their own parish church, neo-Gothic style Hall church, architect Ludwig Becker. Consecrated by Bishop Michael Felix Korum. Interior: 1905 neo-Gothic winged altar, a 15th century sacramental shrine and a 1901 organ (Michael Körfer from Gau-Algesheim). The 59-metre high tower is visible from afar. All 12 consecration crosses are still to be seen on the 12 strong pillars, depicting the 12 Apostles of Jesus. A renovation of the Interior is scheduled.
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