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vest agder fylkes-museum

vest agder fylkes-museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • tgaud
    This museum is a small treat in Kristiansand. It displayes both a zoological and botanical exhibition. But the most interesting is the old villa Gimle Gård (built 1797). It is surrounded by a nice park.
  • travelroc12
    I am sorry that you had a difficulties finding us.This is a listing that should not be active. Our name is Kristianand museum, and you can read about us at www.vestagdermuseet.noI do hope you will come back for a better experience another time.Best regardsEva
  • StewartW704
    Wan`t really looking forward to this attraction,but what a surprise.The guide was superb and she made the experience come alive .Very,very interesting.Would liked to have spent another hour there.Highly recommended.
  • Havogland
    We got a guided tour of the appealing and special house. A lot of history to take in, very interesting. In the park we enjoyed to feed dandelion leaves to the chicken from Agder Fjøra, and to walk among the plants, in the tree trunks you can watch the small houses for both birds and bats!
  • Bru115
    We arrived by ship and landed in this quaint city. As we only had several hours to tour the area, we joined a coach tour and travelled to see various parts of the city and surrounding residential areas.We then travelled to Sogne and Hollen to visit a fishing village with its colorful houses and the small harbor. The last stop was a tour of the Vest-Agder Museum which provided some insight to how the early settlers of the area lived.Afterwards, we walked through the heart of Kristiansand.The time was well spent and enjoyable.
  • 622lasseh
    Hei Lasse,hyggelig å høre at dere likte besøket på museet og at dere ble tatt godt i mot.Vi har veldig flinke fortellere som liker å vise rundt og fortelle.Velkommen tilbake ved en senere anledning.Hilsen Eva
  • tikktakk
    Gamle hus i (gjenoppbygget) "eget" miljø. Spesielt er Setesdalstunet spennende, men hele museet er veldig fint.
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