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the presidio of santa cruz de terrenate

the presidio of santa cruz de terrenate

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • 804JimB804
    Yes there is just such a place and it is nearly 250 years old. About 1776, right when USA was fighting England for independence, Spain was expanding her frontier here in the Southwest. Our seasoned native Apache people had much to say about this as "the Presidio of Santa Cruz de Terrenate" had a mere 4 years of existence before pulling out. The Apache raided the outpost mercilessly and gained many free horses in the process. The remains of all this action can still be traced, even the battlement is visible. Don't expect a 6 Flags presentation, this is history as it is left to us by time. It is worthwhile for the Southwest buff or birder or hiker. I hiked up the railroad in July, temperature was 110F. I do not recommend this.I do recommend a visit. It is a thoughtful, quiet place. It is protected by the federal government so pot hunting is out of the question.
  • claddagh666
    There is not much left of the Presidio and it's a pretty good walk to get there Signage on the trail in leaves a bit to be desired. But if you enjoy nature, you will enjoy yourself. The view from the Presidio is very nice, there is a marked trail once you get there with informational signs and a few ruins.
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