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stokes castle

stokes castle

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 260donh
    Stokes Castle sit right out on the point facing the west. The view of Reese River Valley is spectacular and the sunsets can't be beat!
  • SteveinCH
    This is an interesting place. You take a dirt road up to the castle, but it's easily manageable in any vehicle. The castle in fenced in, so you can't explore inside, but you can still enjoy the structure and the view across the valley. there is also some old mining machinery just downhill. There are no restrooms, but there is a picnic table, so we decided to eat our lunch while enjoying the view. It's a fun place for a brief stop.
  • bubbysmom77
    Right around the corner - an unusual historic bldg with awesome 360 views of the valley. The dirt road up to the tower was a bit steep, but my little car made it.
  • Chawks
    Wish the road was paved up to it. We just took it slow and easy on our fancy street motorcycles. The view is amazing! Go at sunset or first thing in the morning for better pictures.
  • Kps64
    The way up the mountain with beautiful views to the castle. Because of vandalism, a tall fence surrounds the building. You can see inside from afar, though. A picnic table is right beside it. I found myself looking more at the veiw than the stone home. Ate lunch with a couple from Canada. who were hiking the trails.
  • TrackerSack
    Move over Biltmore and Hearst Castle. Stoke's Castle is not too be missed. 1890's opulance on display in the Nevada high desert. Sunset is incredible. You can see 60 miles to the north and 30 miles to the west. Don't miss it.
  • u-roy
    Built in the late19th century by a wealthy owner of a mining operation, the tall, narrow rock structure was occupied for a few months only. Located up the hill on the west side of town with a spectacular 50-mile view of the valley.
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