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pelindaba lavender farm

pelindaba lavender farm

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Pelindaba Lavender Farm, spread over 25 beautiful acres with lake and...


  • islandlynx
    Greetings islandlynx,Thank you very much for your kind review. We so appreciate you taking the time to share with us and others. Thank you!Cheers,Pelindaba Lavender
  • CarolK09
    Greetings CarolK09,Thank you for reviewing our products and retail experience. We are thrilled to hear you are so pleased! Thank you for sharing that with us and other. We appreciate your support and patronage immensely.All the best,Pelindaba Lavender
  • Gabbie06
    Greetings Gabbie06,Thank you for your visit last September and for sharing your comments! We hope you are enjoying the products you filled your scooter car with!Cheers,Pelindaba Lavender
  • 987hildad
    Greetings Hilda D,Thank you so much for the review! We are so pleased to hear that you visited during the blooming season. It's such a sight - rows and rows of purple. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us and other travelers.We hope to see you again when your adventures bring you back to San Juan Island.Cheers,Pelindaba Lavender
  • smerk44
    Greetings smerk44,Thank you for your visit to our Farm this summer. We are pleased to hear you enjoyed your visit. You took some great photos - thank you for sharing them.We hope to see you again when your travels bring you back to the San Juan Islands.Cheers,Pelindaba Lavender
  • Kevin34862
    Greetings Kevin34862,Thank you for your recent visit to our farm. It sounds like you saw it all! We truly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience. Perhaps next time your travels bring you back to San Juan Island it will be in July and August when the fields are in full bloom!Cheers,Pelindaba Lavender
  • debbies548
    Greetings Debbie S,Thank you for your recent visit to our farm. It's always a pleasure to hear that our offerings are enjoyed. Thank you for sharing your experience with us and others.All the best,Pelindaba Lavender
  • Susan17171530
    Greetings Susan17171530,Thank you for your recent visit to our farm. We are pleased to hear you visited in July when the fields were in bloom. It's quite a sensory experience isn't it?! Thank you for sharing such positive feedback, it's always a pleasure to hear that our farm and products are enjoyed by so many.Thank you for your recommendation!Cheers,Pelindaba Lavender
  • PhilipJ432
    Greetings PhilipJ432,We are pleased to hear you visited during one of our summer guided tours. That's wonderful! Thank you for the positive feedback and taking the time to share it with us.All the best to you!Pelindaba Lavender
  • 721lillyh
    Greetings Lilly H,Thank you for your recent visit to the farm. We are pleased to hear you enjoyed yourself. Hopefully your next visit will be soon and you'll be able to visit when the lavender is in full bloom in mid July to mid August.Best,Pelindaba Lavender
  • marsco27
    Greetings marsco27,Thank you for your recent visit to the farm. We always love to see bicyclists at the farm - it's such a nice way to see San Juan Island. We are happy to hear your cycling group made it a stop. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us and others. We hope to see you again when your adventures bring you back to San Juan Island.Cheers,Pelindaba Lavender
  • Nikks79
    Greetings Nikks79,Thank you for your recent visit to the farm. We always love to see bicyclists at the farm - it's such a nice way to see San Juan Island. We are sorry the lavender wasn't in bloom during your visit. The fields are at their "peak of purpleness" mid July - early August. In fact, our annual San Juan Island Lavender Festival is the 3rd weekend of July each year and the fields are always in full bloom then. It's a great time to visit! We hope to see you again!Cheers,Pelindaba Lavender
  • Momopies
    Greetings Momopies,Thank you for your recent visit to the farm and for sharing your experience with us and others. We are pleased to hear you enjoyed your visit so very much. That's wonderful! You are right, walking through fields when the lavender is in bloom is an absolutely incredible experience.Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your visit. We hope you'll come back and see us soon!All the very best,Pelindaba Lavender
  • charlottep104
    Greetings Charlotte P,Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us and others. We appreciate your kind words very much. We hope you'll visit again when your travels bring you back to San Juan Island. Cheers!Pelindaba Lavender
  • HamFas
    Greetings HamFas,Thank you for your visit to our farm last month. We are pleased to hear you were able to take a tour with us. Lavender is truly a remarkable plant. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us and others. We hope you'll visit again when your travels bring you back to San Juan Island. Cheers!Pelindaba Lavender
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