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balloon quest inc - captain phogg balloon rides

balloon quest inc - captain phogg balloon rides

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • jpaetz
    We got a groupon for this, and it was well worth the price of admission. Friendly staff and a well-run operation. Just do it. The area is beautiful, and we saw a great sunrise as we flew over the area's many lakes and ponds. It's worth it even without a groupon. Just do it.
  • Ladonnajoy
    We had great views, lovely weather. Our pilot Eric was very informative, pointing out landmarks, wildlife, and photo ops. The finale included a ButtOn Prayer, champagne toast, and souvenir pins. Good times were had by all!
  • Storyteller-N03
    Sunrise Flight. Starts with balloon inflation and orientation movie. Flight goes wherever the wind desires. We flew over woodland, farms, and residential areas. We saw deer in their hiding places and also dipped into a lake. Many folks came out on their back porches to cheer us along. We, in turn; gave roof reports. The flight ended with a champagne toast and 'other ballon stories!. Note: Everything is weather dependent (Captain Phogg takes no chances or risks!)
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