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bon air park

bon air park

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • jeffl499
    Just off the southern part of Wilson Boulevard and linked to the WO&D trail, Bon Air is a delightful park with its surprising array of gardens. Home to these demonstration gardens that are maintained by local volunteers, the park links the visitor to natural surroundings through interesting paths filled with informative signs. The rose garden at its center is a favorite for local residents with its wide variety of colors accessible by winding, grassy paths that intersect at a classically style portico in the middle. The hilly forest garden offers an opportunity to focus on a variety of trees by taking a well-designed path. Plenty of room for walking with a few benches and tables scattered throughout.
  • jcnosocks
    This makes a nice rest stop when you are traveling the W&OD. Water fountain works intermittently but there is a bathroom here.
  • Philip_Herring
    This is a beautiful and lively park with lots of amenities and one of the best rose gardens anywhere hosting hundreds of varieties in a nice walking path setting. Parking is at a premium on the weekends and the park is also heavily used by the local residents and kids. a great spot for a family afternoon on a pleasant day or a tour of beautiful roses but stay away in the spring and summer if what you are looking for is tranquility.
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