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twa flight 800 international memorial

twa flight 800 international memorial

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • JasonF181
    Absolutely beautiful. Very well maintained area. This memorial also really dresses up the surroundings as well.
  • 724tomd
    If you are from the NYC area and over 36 years, you would remember that summer night that the plane went down off the coast of the east end of Fire Island. It was felt by all of us. And now, it is immortalized in stone and sand at the Smith Point County Park. An easy ride at the end of County Road 46. Bring your camera. It is a reminder that as Columbus took a great risk sailing months across the Atlantic, so is the trip today with some risk. Hug your loved ones before they travel far away!
  • christinep673
    As you enter Smiths Point Park, the memorial reminds you that this flight crashed right off the beach area.
  • 172cheryll
    Such a beautiful memorial - very peacful place to reflect -- each time I visit I am truly moved- such a tragedy but such a beautiful place for all to reflect and pay their respect
  • JosephA712
    A nice monument to pay tribute to those that were killed in this terrible accident. After paying your respects you can take a walk along the beach to reflect of life.
  • pukasch
    I love going through this memorial whenever I am in NY. Although I was not directly affected by this crash you can almost feel the memories of these poor people. It is really surreal almost a calming effect. Worth the visit it is nicely done.
  • NYAnnie13
    beautiful, moving memorial with the beach as a background, and benches to sit on and reflect............
  • JWGrum
    Nicely situated and landscaped. Worth a short visit even if you don't recall the TWA disaster. Adults are likely to be affected in some intangible way.
  • 835DebraG
    This was a very tragic day. Some of my closest friends witnessed the events that day. This memorial is tasteful and has a very peaceful-serene atmosphere right on the ocean.
  • Momship
    Flight 800 park is not far from my home. It's situated right at Smith Point Beach in Shirley. I find myself there often as it is a place to remember those lost and it is a peaceful, lovely place to walk through. Sometimes a family member of one of the accident victims will be there and I know to give them space. Sometimes they want to talk and tell you of their loved one who was lost. It's a safe harbor for those family members to come and pray, remember and reflect.
  • needinfoplease
    This was not some thing to rave about because it was a memorial for a tragedy . It was very a very quiet and emotional remembrance to a tragedy which could have been avoided and that is waht is so difficult to make peace with.
  • Pyra-Danny
    THE MEMORIALThis is a beautiful and big memorial-- and its location by the soft crashing of waves allows for a peaceful place to meditate despite the small irony of those same circumstances leading to the building the memorial. There are enough pieces to read and look at-- from a row of flags, bench markers, stone mural, walking path and more.LOCATIONMy visit occurred during an off-peak time; just the waves, memorial, wind and me. The nearby empty parking lot (appropriate size for housing a SuperBowl tailgating party), empty toll booths, and large expanse of beach are witness to how "unpeaceful" this place probably gets during tourist season.SUMMARYIf you're in the area, I recommend families to visit and pay some respects here. Not only is the memorial itself very welcoming, but there are plenty of opportunities to discuss and remember the incident.
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