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更多详情 更多 2篇游记 0个精华 发表在 中美 版 2007-02-10 (精华贴) 寻找玛雅文明 -- 墨西哥 Tulum Maya Ruins 墨西哥Tulum 遗址代表的是为后人所称道的辉煌灿烂的玛雅文明. 碧 green ocean water, it is great place for vacation度假, swimming and learn Maya history. History: ========= 玛雅人具有高度的抽象思维能力,他们创造了数学体系采用20进位法, 也就是说我们采用 1, 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 of our mathematical system, 玛雅人采用 1, 20, 400, 8,000 and 160,000. 玛雅人天文历法系统(太阳历),以及至今仍有待我们去破译的象形文字系统。 每月 20天, and had two calendar years: the 260-day Sacred Round, or tzolkin, and the 365-day Vague Year, or haab. These two calendars coincided every 52 years. The 52-year period of time was called a "bundle" and meant the same to the Maya as our century does to us. 260-天系统用于 预测未来,宗教, 365-day 系统用于季节,农业。 玛雅人 认为地球是平的,有四个角. Each corner was located at a cardinal point and had a colour value: red for east, white for north, black for west, and yellow for south. At the centre was the colour green. The Maya believed that when people died, they entered the Underworld through a cave or a cenote. When kings died, they followed the path l inked to the cosmic movement of the sun and fell into the Underworld; but, because they possessed supernatural powers, they were reborn into the Sky World and became gods. 与她奇迹般地崛起和发展一样,她的衰亡和消失也同样充满了神秘色彩。 公元800年左右,玛雅文明开始衰落,此后,文字得已失传, 现今在这块土地上生活的古代玛雅人的后代在文化方面已经 退化到新石器时代人的水平,对他们的伟大祖先创造的文化 一无所知。古代玛雅文明已成为一段湮没的历史,令人充满疑惑。 天文历法系统 (工艺品) 爬到顶, 远望遗址 难怪玛雅人在此安居 ======== Tulum is a great place for vacation. You can fly to Cancun, then drive here, average 1 hour drive. Plan to spend at least 2 hours walking around the complex. You can swim for as long as you wish. 8422 37 0 发表在 中美 版 2005-09-29 北美消失的文明 --Native Americans Ruins 自从哥伦布发现北美新大陆,印第安人的命运便已注定。 一个强盛的文明和一个原始的文明碰撞,最终结果是弱者连家园都失去。这里是两个部落留下的遗迹。 Hohokam is as old as China 秦朝, built great canal system,farmed and hunted for thousands of year.But their civilization disappeared for unknown reasons, only their building still stands today even after hundreds of years, witness their great achievement. Here is one picture: Their "big house" Casa Grande is still standing here: more photos tomorrow ... 2430 7 0 更多 0个相册 0张照片 火车票等 请教下这个澳门置地广场酒店(landmarkmacau)离澳门国际机场远吗? 阿德莱德来客度假酒店怎么样? 符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)扎卡洛瓦公寓怎么样? 塞尔瓦迪加尔代纳山谷阿姆斯塞特奈克经典酒店怎么样?有人住过吗? 谁住过斋普尔Aura Homestay Royal Villa,怎么样?
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